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Article I - Name & Purpose
The name of the organization shall be National Junior College Volleyball Coaches Association. Its objectives shall be to promote volleyball at its highest level in two-year colleges throughout the nation; to place at the disposal of coaches’ sources of volleyball information; to advise the through recommendation, the National Junior College Athletic Association Standing Committees on Volleyball.


Article II - Membership
Each NJCAA institution’s volleyball program that chooses NJCAA Volleyball Coaches Association dues, $120 per year, via the NJCAA membership dues online portal will receive a one-year AVCA membership. The one-year AVCA Two-Year College – NJCAA division specific membership will belong to the head coach of the volleyball program with a valid and active e-mail address set by the Head Volleyball Coach and/or institution’s (Office of the) Director of Athletics. The membership year for NJCAA head coaches under the proposal will be October 1 – September 30 of each year. Membership to the NJCAA VB Coaches Association will also extend to the institution’s assistant coaches, however the before mentioned AVCA membership is designated only to the head coach. Members shall have the privilege of discussion at all meetings of the Association. Membership is on a year-to-year basis. Members shall receive admission to the NJCAA Meeting and a copy of Meeting Notes and business meetings.


Article III – Amendments
The constitution and bylaws shall be amended or revised by an email vote of the membership. Proposed
amendments or revisions shall be submitted in writing to any member of the executive committee of the NJCVCA at least thirty days prior to the NJCAA annual meeting. A poll of the membership may also be taken on any question when the executive committee deems it necessary. QUORUM: Due to the fluctuating nature of attendance at the one, regular, business meeting, the paid-up members present shall constitute a quorum for conducting business of the association.


Article IV - Officers
Section 1. Number of, election, and duties:
The officers of the Association shall be a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice-President,  Secretary, and Treasurer. The executive committee will consist of the above-mentioned officers with a representative from NJCAA DI, DII, DIII, Beach and Men’s, and past Presidents who remain active in two-year college volleyball.
B. Elections will be conducted by the NJCAA Office in even numbered years and with the
     following schedule (approximate timeline not to include weekends/holidays):
1. May 1 to May 15 – Electronic call for nominations
2. May 18 – Electronic ballot sent 
3. June 1 – Votes Compiled
4. June 15 – Election results announced
i.   Officers within the association will serve in succession with only the lowest vacancy(s) being filled by election.
ii. The newly elected slate of officers will take effect August 1st of the year following the election.
iii. If the office of president is vacated during the two-year term, the 1st Vice-
     President will fill that position with the remaining officers moving up.
iv. Officers may serve no more than two terms at the same elected position.

C. Any vacancies that occur during the membership year shall be filled by special election held by the executive committee.

     Members so elected shall serve the un-expired portion of term. All officers shall be active volleyball coaches.

D. Officer Duties:
1. The President Shall:
     a. Preside at the annual meeting following his/her election.
     b. Act as an ex-officio member of the executive committee and any other committee appointed.
     c. Preside over their divisional meeting in conjunction with their respective sector/national championship and submit a

         written report to the members of their division.
     d. Represent the Association at the annual NJCAA meeting. Expenses of the president at this meeting will be paid for as a

         member of the national standing committee on Volleyball - if funds are available.
     e. Supervise the promotion of regional & national coach of the year selection, and hall of fame selections.

2. The 1st Vice President shall fulfill his/her duty:
     a. As a member of the executive committee and any other committee to which named.
     b. In case of absence or incapacitation of president, the 1st Vice President will fill the position.
     c. Perform other duties designated by the president.
     d. Have charge of communication, and membership drive, for their division/sector each year.

3. The 2nd Vice-President shall fulfill his/her duty:
     a. As a member of the executive committee and any other committee to which named.
     b. Preside over their divisional meeting in conjunction with their respective sector/national championship and submit a

          written report to the president of the Coaches Association and to the members of their division.
      c. Perform other duties designated by the president.
      d. Have charge of communication, and membership drive, for their division/sector each year.

4. The Secretary shall fulfill his/her duty:
     a. As a member of the executive committee and any other committee to which named.
     b. Preside over their divisional meeting in conjunction with their respective sector/national championship and submit a

           written report to the president of the Coaches Association and to the members of their division.
      c. Perform other duties designated by the president.
      d. Have charge of communication, and membership drive, for their division/sector each year.

5. The Treasurer shall fulfill his/her duty:
     a. As a member of the executive committee and any other committee to which named.
     b. Preside over their divisional meeting in conjunction with their respective sector/national championship and submit a

          written report to the president of the Coaches Association and to the members of their division.
      c. Perform other duties designated by the president.
      d. Have charge of communication, and membership drive, for their division/sector each year.


Article V - Committees
Section 1. The executive committee as above constituted shall be the Associations governing body.

Section 2. The President or the executive committee has the power to appoint any other committee
     deemed advisable or essential to the welfare of the Association and the sport we represent.

Article VI - Membership Dues
Section 1. The annual membership shall be $115 due prior to or at the time of the annual meeting.

Section 2. The member applicant shall submit $115 per year, via the NJCAA membership dues online  
        portal to become a NJCVCA, National Junior College Volleyball Coaches Association.

Article VII - Association Finance
Section 1. The NJCAA Office will collect all CA dues paid and will provide the association president a
     monthly accounting of all income and expenditures. Expenses associated with travel will be
     monitored and approved in accordance with the NJCAA Travel and Business Expense Policies,
     Principles of Ethical Behavior and Volunteer Reimbursement Request Guidelines.
Section 2. The NJCAA Volleyball Coaches Association will pay for expenditures for the President to    

     attend the coaches association annual business meetings, including NJCAA Sport Committee meetings at NJCAA Annual

     Meetings/Convention. The President must complete and follow all guidelines of the NJCAA Expense Voucher Claim Form.

     Expenditures will include the following: Airfare/Mileage, Lodging, and Meals.

     Expenses for the NJCAA Volleyball Coaches Association President to attend the National
     Tournament, but not traveling with their teams, may be covered by the association, if funds    
     are available. In the event the President cannot attend, the 1st Vice-President may fulfill 
     this role. Expenditures must comply with the travel guidelines as established by the NJCAA 
     and will cover Airfare/Mileage, Lodging, and Meals.

Section 3. The President and Vice - President shall have the power to draw on the treasury for the following:
a) In payment of necessary operation expenses.
b) In payment of any other NJCAA obligations authorized by the NJCAA executive committee.

Section 4. By majority vote, the NJCAA executive committee has the power of approving or rejecting any
other proposed disposition of association funds.


Article VIII - Meetings & Agenda
There shall be one regular meeting of the Association each year to be held in conjunction with the AVCA
National Convention. In addition to the regular meeting of the Association, the president of the NJCAA
Volleyball Coaches Association Executive Committee may present, via mail and/or electronic
communication, to the membership for vote, any item which affects the welfare of the association, or the sport we represent.
In general, the usual order of business at the annual meeting of the membership shall proceed as follows.
a) Report of secretary - treasurer
b) Report of president
c) Committee reports
d) Old Business
e) Election of officers
f) New business

Article IX—Hall of Fame
Section 1. Nominations
Nominees must be a coach, player or contributor who has been associated with and/or Contributed to a NJCAA Volleyball program. Nominations may be submitted by anyone involved with NJCAA volleyball (i.e. coaches, Regional directors, officers…)
Nominations must be submitted, with supporting criteria, through the NJCAA Hall of Fame online portal prior to the nomination deadline of the year the candidate is to be considered for induction. The nomination window is approximately from August 1st to September 15th and is set by the NJCAA National Office. 

Section 2. Criteria for induction
A. Coach (Minimum of five years of coaching at an NJCAA school).
1. Coaching success both at the regional and national level.
2. Contributions to volleyball through committee service, service as an officer and/or     
     other significant contributions to the development of regional and/or national  
3. Must have demonstrated an acceptable standard of character as a role mode.

B. Player (Must have been enrolled full time at an NJCAA school and out for three years prior to nomination.)
1. Athletic career excellence (i.e. All-American, National Tournament participation. All Tournament Teams).
2. Academic success.
3. Must have demonstrated an acceptable standard of character as a role model.

C. Contributor
1. Must have demonstrated an extraordinary contribution in support of NJCAA Volleyball

Section 3. Selection procedures
All nominations will be screened for completeness and meeting of association requirements   
by the President of the Volleyball Coaches Association.
The President will prepare and present eligible nominees to the Hall of Fame Committee, 
which will consist of NJCAA Volleyball Coaches Association officers and 2 members of the Hall of Fame that are active in the Coaches Association.
C. The Hall of Fame committee will screen and vote on all eligible nominees.
D. Selection of new members will be by vote of the Hall of Fame Committee.

Section 4. Awards
Inductees will receive a plaque and a commemorative ring or award to be paid by the NJCAA Volleyball Coaches Association.

Section 5. Recognition process
Announcement and presentation of awards to new inductees will take place at the NJCAA 
National Volleyball Tournament Banquet.
Financial obligations of the NJCAA Volleyball Coaches Association for the Hall of Fame 
inductees to attend their respective induction ceremony shall include travel, lodging, & meals.

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